Is Divorce Counseling Right For Your Situation?
Service Description
Going through the process of divorce can be a challenging time in your life. Looking for ways to cope with your emotions and the transition into the next chapter of your life is a natural response to this intense situation. Therapy may be a beneficial option to help you adapt and grow when divorcing a spouse.
For most people going through a divorce, marks a difficult time in their life. This is often the case whether they started the proceedings or were on the receiving end of the divorce request from their spouse. Emotions experienced can range from relief and excitement for a fresh start to feelings of grief, loss, and guilt as the permanence of divorce settles in.
Divorce counseling defined
Divorce counseling is a relatively new form of therapy. Many people may be more familiar with premarital counseling and relationship counseling, but less so with divorce counseling. It is dedicated to helping couples handle their often-complicated feelings about their marriage and divorce in a more respectful and constructive way than they may be able to on their own. Couples typically engage in this type of therapy in the hopes that the services provided by a therapist will lessen the stress for all parties involved. Divorce counseling can help a couple prior to the decision to divorce by providing objective insight and tools to help them make the right choice. It can also provide support once the divorce is already underway and can be transitioned to post-divorce therapy once the divorce is finalized.
Benefits of divorce counseling
There are many potential benefits to divorce counseling. Some of them include:
- Techniques to better manage negative feelings and resolve conflicts (which is particularly important if you have children to co-parent).
- Guidance from a therapist as you consider the option of divorce and decide about the future of your marriage (if you haven't decided yet).
- Help people deal with different stages of the divorce and separation process that may lead to acceptance of each person's decision.
- A time to address unresolved issues before going your separate ways, giving closure to both of you and providing a positive foundation on which to start the next chapter of your life.
- The chance to better understand what went wrong in the relationship and how to learn from it to make future relationships more successful.
- An outside perspective from the therapist to ensure that both sides of the issues are being heard and that no one feels as if their opinions and feelings are less important than the other’s.
Counseling after the divorce is final
Once the divorce is finalized, new issues may arise. It can be quite daunting to wrap your mind around the fact that your marriage is over and that your life as a single person has resumed. Divorce therapists are often trained to help partners move forward in a constructive manner. Counseling after a marriage ends can help by guiding you to find ways to:
Handle your emotions after a divorce
Once the dust has settled on divorce proceedings, you may find that you need some help coping with the turmoil of emotions that follow. This is where post-divorce counseling often helps couples. You can simply search for "divorce counseling near me". It is not uncommon for feelings of regret, guilt, and shame to set in. If post-divorce feelings are not addressed and processed, they could fester and become more troublesome.
Deal with everyday living after a divorce
Once your divorce is finalized, it will be time to get back into the routines of daily living. Most likely, many of those routines will not be the same as when you were married. Perhaps you moved out of your previous home as a result of the divorce and are now becoming accustomed to a new route to work or different places to go grocery shopping. Divorce counselors, whether in one on one practice or practice online, can help you settle back into a routine by helping you cope with stress from the divorce coupled with these life transitions.
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Ravindra Dev
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