The foundation stone for District Hospital, Satna was laid by SHRI M. THIRUMALA RAO (Lt. Governor V.P. ) on 22nd Oct, 1956 . Later in 2013 the hospital was renamed to “Sardar Vallabh Bhai Patel Jila Chikitsalaya”. The hospital has 400 bed. It provides preventive, promotive and curative services to the community. Read More
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Dolor sit amet, consecte tuer adipiscing elit, sed diam nonummy nibh euismod tincidunt.
Dolor sit amet, consecte tuer adipiscing elit, sed diam nonummy nibh euismod tincidunt.
Oxygen Plant
Modular OT
Modern LAB
Indoor Game Room
Maternity HDU
Parking area
Covid-19 ICU
Administrative office
Meditation Room
Hemophilia Day Care Center (ICCH)
Faculty for CPS and DNB courses
Residential complex for paramedical
Blood Collection & Transportation Van
Blood Bank
Maternity Wing
Dialysis Unit
Auxiliary Services
Kayakalp (Award to public health care facilities), a strategy launched as a part of Swachh Bharat Abhiyan by Govt. of India proved to be born in upgradation of District Hospital Satna. Implementation of Kayakalp has significantly improved the status of District Hospital Satna As clean, green & hygienic hospital. Winning Kayakalp Award was the first stepping stone which led the pavement for NQAS certification in 2017.
Also consequently achieving the excellence award helped not only in sustaining but strongly building up of clean culture improving the quality care and hence the outcome Kayakalp Abhiyan” turned out to be one of the revolutionary strategy leading to upgradation of D.H. Satna which not only inculcated a culture of promotion of cleanliness, hygiene and infection control but also received repeated awards for exemplary performance. This also changed the peoples perception and the beneficiaries increased over a period of time.
Serial Kayakalp & NQAS achievement gave the opportunity of strengthening of the existing structure, Renovation of the various department & newer construction. In context with the current ongoing renovation/newer construction are.
(Jan 23-Dec 23)
Bed Strength | |
Average Out Patient Per Month | |
Average Admission Per Month | |
Bed Occupancy Rate | |
Avg Maternity admission Per Month | |
Avg Immunization OPD per month | |
Avg ARSH OPD per month | |
Avg Family Planning per month |
As per Demographic profile Satna DH covers a population (City) 240,000 having population density of 3,900/km2 (10,000/sq. mi) DH is known for offering excellent patient care . The hospital is located centrally in Satna and stands close to railway station which not only makes it convenient for people from the vicinity to consult the doctor but also those from other neighborhood district Panna, Banda, Chitrakootkarvi, Katni & Rewa to seek medical guidance .